Meine Ursprache ist ja "British English", aber, da ich ja anteilig eine Hessin bin, hab ich mal einiges Hessische ins Englische übersetzt.
Das ist für Touristen-Bulldogs enorm wichtig, finde ich.
Also, los geht's!!
Anner = the other one
Babba = Father
babbele = to speak or to bark
babbisch = sticky
Balmegadde = Famous botanical garden where you can read pee-mails
beleidischd Lebberworscht = sensitive bulldog
bei de Hembels unnerm sofa = legendary place that every Frauchen knows but nobody has ever been there
Bembel = Jug for Herrchens or Frauchens drinks
Bosse mache = to do something stupid
bumbe = to beat, hit
Dasch = Bag, pocket
Der geht ran wie de Flocki ans Gehaggte = Not very shy bulldog
Des zischt wie Abbelsaft = "that fizzles like apple juice"
Dollbohrer = Awkward Zweibeiner who does not like bulldogs, also knwon as "Hannebambel"
Dorschenanner = a big mess (mostly in all appartments where bulldogs are living)
dozze lasse = to drop something
dribbe = over there
druff = up there
Dummbabbler = someone who says that bulldogs are ugly. Similar to "Sabbelschnuut"
Ebbel = Apple
Ebbelwoi = famous Hessian beverages for Herrchens and Frauchens
Enuff = up
Enunner = down
Erbaaame! Zu spät! Die Hesse komme! = Hessian National Anthem, similar to "Nicole and Wilma will come to visit you!"
fuddele = to make SITZ and PLATZ not very accurately
Geknoddel = total mess
Grädediersche = small fish
Grie Soß = Popular Frankfurt dish cucumber
gugge = favourite job of a bulldog
Guuuuude! = Hello, nice to see you! How are you today?
Wo meschte hie? = Where are you going with your Zweibeiner?
Guutsje = bulldog candy, also knwon as "Leckerli"
Heeer uff = Stop! Similar to: "Mooomendemal"
Hessisch-Kongo = Area south of Darmstadt
Hessisch-Sibirie = Area north of Gießen
hibbe = to jump
hibbelisch = feeling when a bulldog sees "Guutsje" or other bulldogs
hogge = to sit
Horschemol = Listen, baby!
Kaaan Bock net = unmotivated, mostly in the morning when the Zweibeiner is in a hurry
Kaff = small town
Kermsche = small car, Ford Fiesta
klaa = small
Labbe = Washcloth, not very nice thing for bulldogs
Lebbe geht weider = Hessian motto like "Don't worry, be happy!"
lebbern = when a bulldog drinks
Lumbeseggel = neighbours cat
Mobbelsche = not very skinny bulldog. Similar to: "Pummelsche"
Nippes = useless things for Zweibeiners, important things for bulldogs
Offebach = Frankfurt Bronx
plärre = to nerv the Herrchen or Frauchen
schnalle = to understand your Zweibeiner
Schnegge tschegge = to watch nice bulldog girls
schnibbelsche = little piece
Schnuggelsche = cute bulldog girl
schnuuuud = bulldogs mouth
schodder = cash, money you need to go to "Fressnapf"
Schwanger Lersch = Fat (female) Bulldog
sisch ablesche = to go on the couch or in bed to sleep
Simbel = Simpleton
Stinkwatz = smelly bulldog
uffgeblase = arrogant
uffrabbele = to get up (mostly at 10.30 a.m.)
Veraaaasche = to make fun of your Herrchen or Frauchen
Wutz = dirty bulldog
Zuggerschneggsche = Camilla
Wichtige und häufig benutzte Sätze:
= What's going on, Herrchen/Frauchen?
Aaasch glaab s gehd lous!!
= Herrchen/Frauchen, are you nuts??
= Bread without meat, very boring food for bulldogs
Du ahle Babbsagg!
= Herrchen/Frauchen go home!!
= Excuse me, Herrchen/Frauchen, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement. I couldn't hear you well.
Des waaasisch net
= I don't know. Most times answered on the Frauchen-question: WARUM hat mein Schuh Löcher???
Des is abber babbisch
= This is a little sticky!
Die hat do en Dubbe!
= Herrchen/Frauchen is nuts!
Mer laaft de brieh de stern enunnee
= feeling after you walked 0,5km through the countryside
Heit brennt de Planeet widder
= It's really hot today - Herrchen/Frauchen is in a bad mood.
= Take a look at me!
Isch werd rischtisch rammdoesisch
= I'm feeling a kind of weird - if your Zweibeiner wants to explain you that it's not good to eat shoes
Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn!
= Free Cookies today!!
Ooch gee haahm!
= Do not nerv me, you foolish Zweibeiner!
Isch mach weider
= Good bye! |